Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Everyone should have Birthday Week....
The day before my birthday this year...
Here we are at BJ's for lunch...gotta have Pazookie!
Me, Jennifer, Natalie, Michelle,
Suzie, and Karen. Thanks ladies!

Then of course you have to go to dinner too!
Thanks Aaron for letting me get away from it all!
I feel so very blessed to have such great people around me.
I know there are so many more than are on this blog entry too!
I love my life and everyone in it!
Everyone should have their own birthday WEEK!
made the 8th grade team at McCaffrey M.S. He has been playing since Dec.
They only lost one reg. season game. However, came up short in the Tournament.
He's also been playing Rec. B'ball which I think he loves the most.
(Playing against all the kids he knows is the most fun!)
I snapped a picture of him after school one day.
Abram is a really good kid. Middle School can
be very hard and I'm really glad he's stayed true to himself.
The picture on the far right is of him playing YM basketball!
We all know that this is the most competitive league you can be in!!