Thursday, July 16, 2009

Catching up....

We'Re BaCK......Finally!!
Did you miss us? I just went through my pictures
and their are over 800! Shesh!
It will take me awhile to sort through and blog....
But I will catch up!
To start where I left off I guess.....

Madison had a surprise birthday party and we got her good!
We were checking out the new area in which we were going
to move and it just happened to be on her 12th birthday.
She was trying not to act bummed but I knew she was.
I had set up with some of her friends to meet us for dinner.

Madi, Brielle, Mckenzie, Madison, & Briana.


Madi also got to go to Sly Park for the 6th grade Science camp.

She had a blast!
Mckenzie & Madison.

Aaron's Grandma Larsen turned 93 on May 6.
We went to Aunt Karen's and Uncle Duane's house in
Eldorado to celebrate with family!
Madison got to have a sleep over and they actually slept!
I found them in the convertible dreaming of the future!~

We went to Vacaville for a Blessing and Baptism day!
What a couple of cuties!
Rebekah turned 8 and Rachael was born April 24!

~Memorial Day Weekend~
Charlene, Karen, and I.
We went to our friends the Tuitavuki's Sealing in the
Oakland Temple. It was a beautiful ceremony and I will
remember it for Eternity!
The rest of the weekend we went to
Kirkwood to a Cabin near Silver Lake!
We hiked around with the Barnhart and Gumm Families.
Natalie went with her Kindergarten class and parents to the
Sacramento Zoo & Fairytale town.
William, Ben, Danielle, and Natalie!

Danielle, Ape, & Nat.
Natalie loved the Famous Crooked Mile!
Eli's soccer team had a party for him because he was leaving.
It made me cry, they were so sweet and gave him a ball
that they all signed!


Abram took his basketball team to bowl. They were

being a bunch of dorks messing around!

Jake, Alec, Mezz, Abram, Matt, & Eli. Madison, Madi, Eli & Ben all got to hang out too!
Eli got to go with mom to his 4th grade Coloma State Park field trip.

Tyler & Eli at the Blacksmith shop.

He loved it and now doesn't live too far from it.

Shewww.....the rest of June coming soon~

Monday, May 4, 2009

~Eli's Birthday Week!~

We asked Eli what he wanted to do for his birthday.
He said, "I want to go to a Buffet!"
What?? Why don't you want mom to make
your favorite food? "I don't know what you make
that is my favorite?" he said. (I'm not the best cook, apparently,
and I always make him eat the veggies!)
He wanted unlimited times at the ice cream machine, too!

So, here we are at Fresh Choice. We have been to
these type of places about 4 time ever!

Michael & Natalie being silly! The kids had fun
and they ate a bunch too! It wasn't too bad.


A little later in the week...
He took some of his friends to Sky High, an indoor
trampoline center, for an afternoon.

Abram, Nate, Ben, Eli, Corey, Spencer, & Natalie!
He wanted to invite about 5 other friends too!

Waiting to play Dodge Ball!
They spent 2 hrs. playing it over and over again!!

Natalie jumped like a mad women! She loved it!


He got a visit from his cousins Gabe & Carl.

Hanging out at Grandma & Grandpa's!
Natalie, Mauri, Gabe, Carl, Madi, & Eli!

Eli had a great week and he got to do many things!

Visit with Baby Rachael~

The kids and I enjoyed visiting with the Lowe's and
Baby Rachael!

All my kids love holding babies!
They were so excited to see her.

Can you believe they let 7 kids and 5 adults in

one room! They had to be good or we were gone!

Awe, poor crying baby!
Natalie loved holding her until she started to cry.

FUNdraiser...It's all for the kids!

Our youth at church had a fundraiser last month.
They made desserts and auctioned them off, and then
the FUN began. They auctioned off an
opportunity to throw a pie in a volunteers face.
Of course Aaron volunteered and got it, as he so deserves on a
daily basis! It was hilarious!
And of course he loves to give as he receives!
It's only fair.

Here's the video you have to see!

(Pause the music at the side first.)

Merilee got Ranse so good!

I love how the pan just stuck to his face. And come to find out

the first one he got was with out of date whipped cream!

YUCK! All in all a good time was had!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Rachael Elizabeth is finally here...

My sister Shannon had her 4th baby today on
Eli's 10th birthday! In the same hospital he was born in!
YEAH! Doesn't she look Great!
Pretty Mamma!
Shannon and Bekah waiting to go in for a planned C-section.

Rebekah thought this sign in her mommy's room was
hilarious! Counting babies Pee & Poop diapers is kinda funny!

Here's Jed all suited up and ready to go.
I asked Michael, "What's Daddy wearing?"
Michael thought, and said,
"He's in his Baptism clothes!"

Here she is weighing in at 6 lbs. 8 ozs.

She had a lot of visitors. Grandma & Grandpa's,

uncle's, aunt's, cousins, sister, and brothers!

Thank goodness they didn't kick us out!

Looking through the glass at Rachael and her daddy!

Here's some video of her sweet little cry!
Ok one more video...Rebekah humming to Rachael
her new little sister. She was trying to make her not cry!
So nice Bekah boo!

More pictures to come I'm sure!

Happy Birthday Eli.......

to be continued!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday 2009

Happy Easter!

Madi & Natalie

Can you believe it?? A family picture!
We used the timer and everything!
What a gorgeous day!

I love Spring!
~Eli, Madison, Abram & Natalie~

Natalie and Roxanne blowing & catching bubbles!

Easter Saturday......

Who doesn't have Easter Saturday?...

With church on Sunday we do the Egg hunting on Saturday!

While the men were putting in new floors in Grandma & Grandpa's

house the kids played wiffle ball in the backyard!

It was a beautiful day!

Uncle Jed, Uncle Matthew, and Aaron always have fun
hiding the eggs for the Hunt!
Sometimes they are so good we don't find
them until next year!

This ended up being the hardest one to find.
You can see it above Abram's head to the left. We even
told the kids "It's in the tree and it's yellow!"
Madison, Suzanne, and Bekah...on the Hunt!

Michael did a good job of finding this one!

Rebekah and her mommy!

Such a cute picture of my prego sister!

Only 10 more days! WHoo..Hoo!

Awe...a little baby newt! Michael found this one!