Saturday, September 28, 2013

Abram's Graduation

The very first order of business after the whole family traveled from Ghana to Grass Valley was the attendance of Abram's graduation ceremony on June 7th.  This was a surreal experience for his dad who remembers taking this kid to kindergarten in the bike trailer just months ago.

Abram surprised the whole family when he got up on stage with the choir and starting singing a solo part - I myself was playing in the grass with Bryce and Isaiah and without seeing the stage or knowing Abram was singing thought to myself, "wow that sounds really good", only later to find out it was Abram who was singing. Unfortunately due to the lack of notice we do not have any video footage of the event...but our neice Rebecca Lowe did just happen to record the audio (thanks Beck boo!)....if I could ever figure out how to add audio to this page.  Amazing, I think I did it?!

The whole crew!  I think it was too hot for G'pa Bennett??

Abram and sister displaying his candy lei's and his cool two-piece outfit he had made in Ghana.


Angela (Holley) Bennett said...

AWESOME ABRAM!!! Beautiful singing!!!

The Lowe Family said...

I'm pretty sure Gpa stayed home with Isaiah. Abram rocked that song...sorry about the screaming. Oh and there just may be some video of the song. I will have to check to see just how much of it I got. :) Miss my Bennett's.