Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hello Again?

Ok so here goes my second attempt to resurrect my wife's blog........just hoping third time won't be the charm.  The impetus?  Its easy really - Facebook sucks!  How much cooler is blogging?  Let me enumerate the ways.  One, you can find real information on peoples lives, with cool text, backgrounds, and pictures.  Two, blogging is like journaling or scrapbooking; as long as the google servers remain so do your memories.  Otherwise one can simple print out one's blogging pages for a hard copy.  I miss those couple of years right before everyone jumped to the instant gratifiation of FB, but in my eyes FB hardly has any redeeming qualities.  To be honest I can't stand 80% of the things people post.  I do like reading about what people are doing in their lives, but I cannot stand the forwarded articles, opinions, propaganda, and drivel in the form of incomplete three worded phrases teenagers post when they are bored.  ugh.  So here goes, I'm going to try to post a couple of pics and commentary regarding the last couple of weeks.......if for nothing else that to recreate our family journal on Sunday afternoons.  Which remindes me when I was a kid and my mom made all of us kids work on our scrapbooks.  Sheesh I didn't care for it at the time but I sure do love looking through my scrapbook now. 

Easter at the Yi's

Really? Do we have to take an easter picture?
Aaron had a busy Easter weekend; he travelled to Michigan on Friday and spent the night at Isaac's house, helping him re-form his kitchen ceiling.  Saturday morning he traveled to Lansing using Courtney's car (Courtney picked up and dropped off Aaron at the airport) for Scott Campau's mothers funeral.  Aaron was able to spend the majority of the day with Scott, and was also able to see some of the old time families from the Lansing Ward including the Wrights, and the Coakleys.  Aaron travelled back down to the Detroit area on Saturday and was able to see all his nephews and niece at both Isaac's and Courtney's house!  He flew home Sunday morning in time to travel an hour down to Sarah's house to celebrate easter with the rest of the nephews and niece. Ha, yes the nieces are way outnumbered. 

Easter at the Yi's house

On Saturday Amy took the babies to a couple easter hunts. See the super scary bunny pictures!! I'm pretty sure that is the same costume that has been used in a slasher movie or two. Freaky.


Shortcake said...

Um, so I just fell off my chair just now. After all this time waiting for an update...let me be the first to welcome you back! Can't wait to hear more about your experiences in DC.

The Lowe Family said...

Good job Aaron.. I was wondering if you were going to start blogging since you're moving out of the country. It will be nice to have a place to go to show the kids pics of your babies. :)

Rachelle said...

Yes!! Totally agree with your FB that your blogging and I can keep up on your cute family!