Monday, October 13, 2008

One of THOSE days....

Have you ever had "One of those days". You know the one where you wish you were in someone else's life. Man I hate to feel that way, but I do. In some ways I think that someone else's life would be easier. Or maybe just different maybe different would be better? I know, I have my health and we are fine. I know, I know, it could always be worse. (Is that every mans point of view?) Why do our minds tend to wander that way though? Is it just me? I try to be happy all the time, but I'm not. What a horrible thing to blog about. But, I want to be real. I don't want to paint a perfect blog of a perfect life. We all have our moments, and this is mine. However, I won't let the "D" word take my life away. If you don't know what that is, it's depressed. I really don't want any sympathy calls or emails. Just wanted to vent it out, and ask do we all feel this way sometimes?? What do you do to get yourself out of it? Chocolate? Shopping? Run

So, I looked through my pic's & tried to find one of the happiest ones. Maybe this can brighten my day. Maybe looking through the eyes of a child can help me refocus.


Courtney said...

Hey Girl..I know what you mean!! I find myself feeling sorry that I live in stinky why here and why for so long?? I get sick of the same ol' same ol' sometimes...I'm so sad that winter is coming! Ugh! You're not alone. When I start feeling really crappy I just start planning a trip in my head of where I want to go! Ha! Love ya!

The Bennett Family said...

That's a good idea. I thought running away might be a good plan! Now I just have to rob a bank first! HA! Maybe it's related to the weather as well. Thanks, sister! Love, Amy

Courtney said...

Hey thanks for the tip on getting a new background for my blog..I was wondering why everyone I know has such cute blog backgrounds and mine is so plan!! Ha! Check my blog out..I NOW have a cute background too!! :)

jenny said...

My "D" word is drama...we all know that...C U in the Parking Lot!

Blevins said...

If you dont have these days... well your a LIAR! :) Thats what makes us HUMAN!:)
pS.. I was BLOG STALKING you .. haha and see you have adorable backgrounds... give me the good stuff and tell me how to get them!

Michelle said...

Hey lady--I hope by today you are feeling a little better. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling so happy, but you know that it's normal right? We all have those days--I know from experience! Don't beat yourself up, just don't let it consume you full time. You are loved and missed! Happy Day!